Use of Khan Academy

Khan Academy should be gradually and meticulously introduced into the classroom for it to succeed. Students should be made to understand that technology is not replacing good teaching methods but being used as a tool to prop up effective pedagogy. The responsibilities of the teacher should be explicitly explained to the students in the light of technology

The teacher’s shifted role is more of a facilitator than a lecturer in a flipped Classroom using Khan Academy. This include the planning of units and objectives for the year. The teacher also has to introduced developed introductory lessons of each Khan Academy video and collect ideas and activities for developing classroom community. It is imperative that Khans videos, exercises, textbooks, lessons and exercises are aligned for student understanding. The teacher also has to identify and prepare projects that will provide contexts to each unit and get students to critically think about the unit. The dashboard should to used to monitor rate of student progress and use the corresponding intervention as needed.

Below are directions in how you set up your class for success in using Khan Academy

1. First go to to set up account. Remember to set up as a teacher

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2. Set up your account using gmail, facebook or any email account

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3. Once you are logged in, create a class by sending an invitation or generate an access code they can use

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4. Try some of the questions and problems your students will be working on to see if they align with curriculum objectives

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5. Read the tips on how to successfully implement Khan Academy

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6. Select your implementation model e.g a class with varying degrees of levels and needs will be mixed class

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7. Choose a mission for your class. The mission has to be aligned with the desired results needed(competencies or objectives) at the end of the lesson

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8. Get your class ready by talking with the students freely about the paradigm shift and ensuring that the IT issues (internet connectivity, laptop/computer for each kid etc.) have all been resolved.

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9. To enable your students achieve more in the classroom, read on incentives and motivation, instructional strategies, monitoring student progress and projects. This will help you have a better idea of how to maximize learning in a positive and supportive environment.

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10. Continuously monitor student progress and provide intervention when necessary

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1 Response to Use of Khan Academy

  1. Emerick Donofrio says:

    This is a real little jewel for teachers. I didn’t even know about Khan Academy until I came across this site, it seems user friendly and quite straight forward. Absolutely love that it serves to teach in a class with students of mixed abilities. Thank you for sharing the info 🙂


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